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I hooked up a 50-ohm cable between channel 1 on the 11A32 amplifier and the Calibrator-out BNC on my 11403 and hit AUTOSET. All I get is about 6 mV of noise at around 5 msecs per division. Is the scope in need of repair?

Вопрос :

I hooked up a 50-ohm cable between channel 1 on the 11A32 amplifier and the Calibrator-out BNC on my 11403 and hit AUTOSET. All I get is about 6 mV of noise at around 5 msecs per division. Is the scope in need of repair?

Ответ :

From the symptoms that you have described, there is nothing wrong with your 11403. The calibrators on the 11400 Series oscilloscopes have no output except when Probe Deskew is selected and running, or when you run certain calibration routines.

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