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How do I get the phase angle graticule (compass) to show up on my WVR vectorscope display?

Вопрос :

How do I get the phase angle graticule (compass) to show up on my WVR vectorscope display?

Ответ :

On the WVR610/611 the only way to get the compass rose to show up is when a composite input has been selected. On SDI signals, only the color bar target boxes are shown since the compass rose doesn't really contribute any meaningful information.

On the newer WVR6100/7000/7100, due to popular demand, an option was added to the SDI vectorscope contextual menu to add the compass rose. You can enable this by pressing and holding the "Vect" button until the context menu comes up and then setting the display mode to "SDI->Composite" from this menu.

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