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Can the remote front panel cable be extended beyond the stated 100 foot length?

Вопрос :

Can the remote front panel cable be extended beyond the stated 100 foot length?

Ответ :

The cable carries RS232, +5V power, and two special purpose lines.  The +5 V power is the limiting factor in cable length, and the factor that drives the need for 26 gauge wire  and a cable shield (if there's no other common ground). 

However, we have had customers who were able to extend the length by doing the following:

  1. Do not wire pins 1, 8 and 4 on the remote cable
  2. Provide external power of 5 volts to pins 1 and 8 on the Remote Front Panel.
  3. Tie pin 4 on the WVR7100 to +5 through a 1K resistor.

For extreme lengths, a RS232 repeater/amplifier might be employed.

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